- Interface wildfire operations
- Vehicle-mounted applications
- Brush trucks
- Initial attack units
- Slip-on units
- Structure protection
- Water transfer
- Boat fire pump
- Simultaneous attack lines
Fire Pumps
WATERAX offers a complete line of high performance portable centrifugal pumps.B2X™ Mid-Range Pump
The B2X pump is a mid-range fire pump, available in vehicle-mounted and portable configurations, dedicated to wildland and urban interface operations. The various models are powered by choice of Briggs and Stratton Vanguard or Honda 4-stroke engines. Combining both pressure and volume, it is ideal for dual attack line operations, remote water transfer and structure protection. The B2X delivers the best performance of its class with minimal operating costs. Unlike other pumps, the B2X uses a low maintenance drive-belt system that provides efficient and dependable performance.
This unit is available in different configurations:
- Portable
- Vehicle-mounted
- Horizontal and vertical drive orientations
- Engine-mount control panel
- Fuel tank
- Exhaust primer

Features and benefits
- Quick-release clamp and detachable pump end for ease of maintenance and minimal equipment downtime
- Unique blister resistant mechanical rotary seal to prolong pump end longevity
- Sealed bearing to eliminate pump end greasing in the field
- Drive assembly for reliable, low maintenance performance
- Aluminum alloy pump components and anodized parts for lighter weight and greater resistance to corrosion
- Fastwire included on all vehicle-mounted units
- EPA certified