Search results for BB-4 ® SERIES
Be Ready for Battle
Extreme weather conditions. Difficult terrain. Low visibility. Fighting fires
can be an extremely unpredictable and dangerous task. One thing is certain in
this profession. The stakes are high, and the price of mistakes -- in lives and
property -- can be enormous. You cannot afford the cost of faulty equipment. You
want to send your crews out with the best chance at winning the battle against
wildland fires, and that means arming them with the highest quality tools.
Selecting the right hose is...
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Calaveras Consolidated Fire - Testing the VERSAX Fire Pump
From the foothill of the Sierra Mountains in Central California, the Calaveras
Consolidated Fire Protection District.
They protect life, property and the environment.
Wildland Forest Fires, Vehicle Accidents, EMS, Air Ambulance Evacuations and
Residential Fires
Webisode 1: Meet the members
The Calaveras Consolidated Fire Protection District (Cal-Co Fire) was formed on
July 1, 2013 through a Joint Power Agreement between Jenny Lind and Foothill
Fire Protection Districts. Cal-Co Fire covers rou...
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Exploring the Wildland Urban Interface
Wildland Urban Interface Conference
March 22 - 24, 2022
Peppermill Resort, Reno, NV
WATERAX’s wildland partners and dealers will be at this year’s Wildland Urban
Interface Conference, March 22 to 24, in Reno, Nevada. The event is the premier
gathering for firefighters and industry and community members to explore issues
centred on the minimization and management of wildfire threat to the W...
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International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC), May 16th to May 19th 2023
Join WATERAX in Portugal from May 16th to May 19th 2023 at the 8th
International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC). We’ll be showcasing the new
MARK-3® Watson Edition Pump.
Join our Industry Session presented by Frederic Lefrançois, VP of Product
Development, who will be discussing how WATERAX is Moving Water for the Modern
day Wildland Firefighter, explain how lightweight portable high-pressure pumps
have evolved to become a weapon of choice to build effective water handling
systems to fight fi...
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Rollover & WATERAX Pump Testing With Calaveras Consolidated
The Calaveras Consolidated chief believes that testing and training should
always be executed as if it were the real deal. This test is the deployment of
portable water pump, the firefighters will be testing it as they set up to draft
water from the Calaveras river.
They set up the pump on a pad so as the gas and oil does not leak into the
ground. Filling the suction line is next, sometimes not as easy as it looks.
This is a brand new pump, Marty is attempting to help start it by pre filling
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The long and accomplished history of the MARK-3® pump
The origins of the MARK-3® pump can be traced back to the earliest days of the
company, called WAJAX at the time, with the creation of the DDVC water pump in
1929. As technology and techniques developed in the following decades, so did
our industry-leading water pumps, culminating in the creation of the MARK-3® in
the 1960s. Today, as we launch the MARK-3® Watson Edition, WATERAX is proud to
continue the line of excellence.
The predecessor of the centrifugal pump was the WAJAX DDV...
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