Empowering Safe Prescribed Burns with Ward Burton and WATERAX At WATERAX, we are thrilled to highlight our ongoing collaboration with Ward Burton and the Ward Burton Wildlife Foundation. Together, we are making significant strides in wildfire management and conservation through the effective use of WATERAX pumps. Championing Controlled Burns with…
Trusted by wildland firefighters around the world, WATERAX carries on its mission to place powerful pumps into the hands of men and women who need to move water to protect communities from wildfires.
Wildland Fire Canada Conference 2024
The WATERAX team, is honored to be a platinum sponsor for the Wildland Fire Canada Conference (WFCC) this year. As we come together in Fredericton, New Brunswick, our commitment to advancing wildland fire management is stronger than ever. This year's conference theme, “Transforming Wildland Fire Management,” resonates deeply with our…
Igniting Taste Buds: Fire Fury by Vancouver Island Hot Sauce Co. brought to you by WATERAX
Introducing Eben Sedun & Zach Grigg: The Faces Behind Our Latest Collaboration Passionate about crafting exceptional products, Eben and Zach have turned their hot sauce hobby into a flavorful journey, and we're thrilled to join forces with them to share what they do with our firefighting community. Eben Sedun: A…
Honor Our Heroes: The Hotshots 19 CrossFit Challenge - Sponsored by WATERAX
WATERAX joins CrossFit Verve to Recognize Fallen Wildland Firefighters Join us for a special Hero WOD (Workout of the Day) on July 20th at CrossFit Verve in Denver, CO, to honor the Granite Mountain Hotshots, who tragically lost their lives in the line of duty in 2013. About the Hotshots…
WATERAX à l'émission À Vos Affaires!
WATERAX, un chef de file mondial en matière de solutions de lutte contre les incendies, est ravi d'annoncer sa récente participation à l'émission À Vos Affaires animée par Simon Filibert sur TVA Nouvelles. Lors de cette entrevue, Frédéric Lefrançois, VP Produits & Chaine d'Approvisionnement et Soukeyna Aubert, Directrice des Opérations,…
Canadian-made innovation in firefighting pays off against wildfires
Watch full interview As Western Canada prepares for what's expected to be an intense season for wildfires, a company that's built firefighting equipment for more than 100 years says it has a new tool that will make a difference on the ground. Michael Cookson, a former wildland firefighter who now…
Launch of Collaboration with Ward and Jeb Burton
We are thrilled to announce an exciting new collaboration with NASCAR drivers and outdoor enthusiasts, Ward and Jeb Burton. This partnership underscores our unwavering commitment to supporting effective water management and wildland fire prevention through our state-of-the-art WATERAX pumps. We invite you to explore more about Ward and Jeb Burton's…
Riley MacLeod the recipient of the #WATERAX Award
Congratulations to Riley MacLeod the recipient of the #WATERAX Award during the Graduation event that took place on Friday, May 3, 2024. The WATERAX Award was established in 1987, and is presented to the Graduate with the highest standing in Forest Fire Management courses at the Maritime College of Forest…
The innovative pump end quick release clamp provides ease of maintenance without requiring disassembly of the entire unit, significantly reducing equipment downtime, which can prove crucial in emergency situations. One of the WATERAX platform’s unique features is its quick release clamp system which allows almost instantaneous pump end detachment…
Life After the Fire Line: WATERAX's Commitment to Empowering Wildland Firefighters
As the flames of the fire line fade, the journey doesn't end for our courageous wildland firefighters. At WATERAX, we recognize the invaluable skills and experiences these individuals bring, which is why we've made it our mission to provide a meaningful space for them beyond the frontlines. Our team now…
It’s Wildfire Week - sponsored by WATERAX
We are delighted to announce Wildfire Week, a significant event presented by Firefighting in Canada and proudly sponsored by WATERAX. This initiative aims to keep you updated on the most pressing issues affecting the wildland firefighting community and areas impacted by wildfires. As the threat of wildfires continues to rise…
Mastering Engine Start-Up: Your Guide to the MARK-3® Watson Edition Pump
We are excited to share with you a step-by-step guide on starting the engine of the MARK-3® Watson Edition Pump. Whether you're a seasoned firefighter or new to our innovative pump, these instructions will ensure a smooth and efficient start-up process every time. Here are the steps to start the…
Are you Ready for Wildfires ?
It's that time of year again – Wildfire Preparedness Day on May 4th serves as a critical reminder to take steps to safeguard yourself, your family, and your property from wildfires. We understand the importance of fire safety and preparedness. That's why we're here to provide you with some essential tips…
Meet Nicole Wiebe – A Wildland Firefighter and MARK-3® Pump Pro!!
Introducing Nicole Wiebe: A former Wildland Firefighter turned artist, Nicole brings her unique blend of experience and creativity to our special project. With seven seasons spent battling wildfires across Ontario, Quebec, BC, Alberta, and Oregon, her dedication to protecting our forests runs deep. Now, she's combining her firefighting background with…
WATERAX at the WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE CONFERENCE March 26 - 28, 2024 Peppermill Resort, Reno, NV
Join WATERAX’s wildland dealers at this year’s Wildland Urban Interface Conference, March 26 to 28, in Reno, Nevada. The event is the premier gathering for firefighters and industry and community members to explore issues centred on the minimization and management of wildfire threat to the WUI. It’s…
Comment Opérer la Pompe en Forêt - MARK-3® Édition Watson
Opérations de la pompe MARK-3® Édition Watson Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter notre nouvelle vidéo sur l'utilisation de la pompe MARK-3 Édition Watson. Cette vidéo présente les différentes étapes de l'utilisation de la pompe et démontre ses caractéristiques et ses capacités. La vidéo couvre les points suivants - Trouver…
Dealer Resource Center - New material added!
We've recently improved our dealer platform with new material designed to elevate your experience and enhance your promotional efforts for WATERAX pumps and products. Take a look at what's fresh: Updated Brand Guide: Delve into the revised Brand Guide for the latest insights and guidelines on effectively showcasing WATERAX and…
At WATERAX, we believe in the power of innovation, dedication, and a shared commitment to excellence. As we are growing and innovating, we have exciting job opportunities waiting for individuals who are passionate about making a difference in the world of wildland firefighting. Why join WATERAX? Innovative Work Environment: Be…
The ADRIQ Innovation Awards 2023 shone on November 23 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal during the 33rd Innovation Awards Gala, bringing together over 575 participants. Under the dynamic leadership of Stéphane Bellavance, a distinguished personality in the television world, this prestigious event celebrated excellence in innovation. We are…
Ax Magazine Vol. 4 is out!
We are thrilled to announce the much-awaited release of the fourth edition of Ax Magazine! In this latest volume, we invite you to embark on an exciting journey with us as we explore intriguing stories, groundbreaking insights, and a celebration of our rich heritage spanning 125 incredible years. 🔥 125 Years…
Alpha Gala 2023 Prizes
On October 19, WATERAX attended the Alpha Gala in Montreal, QC. There, the company was presented two awards by the esteemed Chambre de commerce et d’Industrie de Saint Laurent – Mont Royal: Business of the Year and Innovators in Sustainable Technology. The WATERAX team was selected from over 400 applicants…
MARK-3 Mechanics Training
Dive Deeper into Expertise at WATERAX Pump Mechanics Factory Training! Calling all MARK-3® pump enthusiasts! Get ready for a transformative journey at the WATERAX MARK-3® & MARK-3® Watson Edition Pump Mechanics Factory Training. In this immersive 3-day training, participants are invited to a knowledge-packed experience designed to reignite your understanding…
MARK-3 Watson Edition: Discover Our Military-grade Fidlock® Shoulder Straps!
Curious about how the shoulder straps on the MARK-3 Watson Edition work? Watch this short video that explains everything you need to know about the Military-grade Fidlock® Quick-Release System. How-to | MARK-3 Watson Edition Pump Padded Shoulder Straps * padded straps are sold separately Item No. 701798 At WATERAX, our mission is…
What’s new for the MARK-3® Watson Edition Pump?
MARK-3® WATSON Pump QPL Certification We're happy to share the news that the MARK-3® Watson Edition Pump has been officially qualified after being tested in accordance with the USDA Forest Service Specification 5100-274E. The pump is officially qualified as of 08/04/23. The assigned primary pump code is C-45-150/…
Innovating for the Front Lines
The MARK-3 Watson Edition pump was developed through a collaborative process directly with the Front Line. A few years ago, WATERAX embarked on a mission to enhance our flagship product, the MARK-3 portable high-pressure fire pump. But we knew that to truly create a product that would meet the needs…
Sur les traces d'un feu de forêt
Connaît-on vraiment les tâches d’un pompier forestier au Québec? Les principaux concernés répondront : pas du tout. À la Société de protection des forêts contre le feu (SOPFEU), il y a bien sûr des pilotes d’avions-citernes et d’hélicoptères, mais la très grande majorité du travail se fait sur…
Le journal de Montréal : Métier de pompier forestier: «On est là pour sauver la forêt et la faune»
De nombreux jeunes ont l’appel du métier en voyant nos forêts réduites en cendresFRANCIS HALIN Mardi, 6 juin 2023 00:00 Un jeune de 18 ans entend l'appel de la forêt et se prépare à suivre sa formation de pompier forestier pour pouvoir aller combattre les feux qui sont…
Apprenez à connaître Anthony Trojko, Expert Terrain Indépendant et Former Smokejumper (pompier parachutiste) en Colombie-Britannique
Dans ce podcast, Anthony discute de ce qui l’a motivé à devenir un Smokejumper, son parcours pour y arriver incluant la préparation physique, l’apprentissage d’une nouvelle langue et l’obtention d’un permis de travail à l’étranger. Il raconte également quelques histoires qui vous feront certainement…
Updated Tech for Fighting Wildfires
Marcello Iacovella and Mario Janson from WATERAX were with Dilshad Burman from CityNews Toronto to talk about how updated portable water pumps could help wildland firefighters move faster and fight blazes more efficiently. Get a first-hand look at the new tech and tried the MARK-3 Watson Edition. CityNews…
Les pompiers ont-ils le matériel le plus adapté pour combattre les feux de forêt?
Un fabricant québécois de matériel pour aider les pompiers à combattre les feux de forêt croit qu’ils pourraient bénéficier d’un matériel plus facile d’utilisation qu’un modèle créé en 1964. Pour maîtriser les incendies, comme ceux qui font rage depuis plusieurs semaines un peu partout au pays,…
Pompiers de la Corée du Sud en renfort
(Maniwaki) Dimanche soir. Une équipe d’un peu plus de 150 pompiers sud-coréens a déroulé ses sacs de couchage sur la patinoire de l’aréna Gino-Odjick, à Maniwaki. Jamais des pompiers ne sont venus d’aussi loin. Leur mission : prêter main-forte pour combattre les incendies de forêt historiques du nord…
Feux de forêt : Les autorités doivent moderniser l’équipement des sapeurs
Un spécialiste dans la production de pompes à incendie croit que les autorités gouvernementales doivent agir afin de moderniser l’équipement des pompiers forestiers qui luttent, depuis un mois, contre les feux de forêt dans la région.Selon Waterax, qui possède près de 100 ans d’expertise comme fournisseur mondial…
Moving The Legend Forward
The next-gen MARK-3® Watson Edition. 30% lighter. 20% smaller. 100% MARK-3®. Save your back for the fight. Maintaining the tradition while moving technology forward: the MARK-3® Watson Edition plugs right into your existing MARK-3® water‑moving systems. It will set a new benchmark of excellence for high‑pressure fire pumps…
La saison des feux de forêt au Québec bat son plein
Près de 70 feux sont encore actifs sur le territoire québécois. L'équipement peut-il venir en aide aux pompiers? Radio-Canada en parle avec le vice-président de #WATERAX, fournisseur mondial d'équipements essentiels pour les sapeurs-pompiers, Frederic Lefrancois. Écouter l'entrevue…
Make Sure You Are #ReadyForWildfires
As summer rolls in, so does the threat of wildfires. Recent events have reminded us of the importance of being prepared for these natural disasters. At WATERAX, we are dedicated to equipping communities with a reliable and efficient solution when it matters most. Our network of authorized dealers is your…
Join Us in Honoring Wildland Firefighters
WATERAX is a proud supporter of The Smokey Generation and the American Wildfire Experience project since the beginning in 2019. We are thrilled to partner again this year to support wildland firefighters and help them share their fascinating stories! It is an honor for us to stand beside passionate wildland…
Get ready for Wildfire Week happening from April 17 to 21 2023!
Presented by Firefighting in Canada and sponsored by WATERAX, this event is the perfect opportunity to stay informed about the most pressing issues affecting the wildland fire fighting community and the areas affected by wildfire. With the threat of wildfires increasing due to climate change, it’s important to address…
International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC), May 16th to May 19th 2023
Join WATERAX in Portugal from May 16th to May 19th 2023 at the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC). We’ll be showcasing the new MARK-3® Watson Edition Pump. Join our Industry Session presented by Frederic Lefrançois, VP of Product Development, who will be discussing how WATERAX is Moving Water…
WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE CONFERENCE March 28 - 30, 2023 Peppermill Resort, Reno, NV REGISTER NOWJoin WATERAX’s wildland partners and dealers at this year’s Wildland Urban Interface Conference, March 28 to 30, in Reno, Nevada. The event is the premier gathering for firefighters and industry and community members to…
WATERAX's New Website
At WATERAX we’re 100% dedicated to your evolving needs with the trusted products, information, and service you need to take on wildland fires. That’s why we’ve completely redesigned our website and made exciting new improvements. Look around and discover your updated destination for lightweight portable pumps and…
See you at FDIC!
FDIC INTERNATIONAL • April 24-29, 2023 Indiana Convention Center & Lucas Oil Stadium Indianapolis, IN Join the WATERAX team at Booth 2435 for this year’s FDIC International, bringing together fire & rescue professionals from around the world for learning in workshops and seminars, Hands On Training (H.O.T.), developing…
NEW MARK-3® Tech-Notes Available Online
WATERAX® was informed that the M4AC spark plug and PVL spark plug cap has been discontinued. The M4AC spark plug with 18 mm threads has been discontinued. A suitable replacement has been tested and approved: NGK AB-8. The change is effective immediately. The part number (800850) and item description (R-629…
Madison Safety & Flow ajoute un fournisseur de pompes à incendie portables à son offre en matière de sécurité incendie. 26 janvier 2023 -- CHICAGO, IL - Madison Industries, l'une des plus grandes sociétés privées au monde, a réalisé un investissement important dans WATERAX, un fabricant leader de pompes à…
Madison Safety & Flow añade un proveedor de bombas portátiles a su oferta de protección contra incendios. 23 de enero de 2023 -- CHICAGO, IL - Madison Industries, una de las mayores empresas privadas del mundo, ha realizado una importante inversión en WATERAX, fabricante líder de bombas portátiles y livianas…
WATERAX Joins Madison Industries
Madison Safety & Flow adds provider of portable fire pumps to its fire safety offering January 26, 2023 -- CHICAGO, IL – Madison Industries, one of the world’s largest privately held companies has made a significant investment in WATERAX, a leading manufacturer of lightweight portable fire pumps. WATERAX bolsters Madison’…
Discipline, Training & Privilege: An Interview with Mario Janson
You worked for 10 years for the Royal Canadian Navy. Can you tell us about your position and your experience? As a Marine Engineering Technician on a River-class destroyer, I was responsible for the safe operation of the boiler room to produce superheated high-pressure steam to supply the propulsion system,…
Vision, Reliability and R&D: An Interview with Raffaele Gerbasi
The MARK-3® is an iconic pump that’s been trusted by firefighters for decades. What makes the pump so popular? The MARK-3® pump has been around since the early 1960s. Around the world the standards were written for that pump! Firefighters learn how to fight fires with the MARK-3® and…
When Extreme is the New Normal
Wildland firefighting is one of the most dangerous and demanding professions in the world. Firefighters battle grueling, life-threatening situations and go where most people would never dare to go. As fires become more extreme, it’s essential that the equipment that firefighters rely on evolve to meet their new needs.…
American Wildfire Experience 2022 Wildland Fire Digital Storytelling Micro-Grant Recipients!
The Smokey Generation is a passion project founded by Bethany Hannah, owner of Wildland Fire Careers. The website was created as part of her thesis project for her Master of Arts degree in Environmental Studies (with a concentration in wildland fire management and communications). Her goal is to collect and…
The long and accomplished history of the MARK-3® pump
The origins of the MARK-3® pump can be traced back to the earliest days of the company, called WAJAX at the time, with the creation of the DDVC water pump in 1929. As technology and techniques developed in the following decades, so did our industry-leading water pumps, culminating in the…
Global Warming and Extreme Forest Fires
Wildfires are the biggest emerging threat to our communities and ecosystems in North America and around the world. Wildfire seasons are burning longer and hotter, affecting more and more people while interface fires are becoming common and more homes are located in remote areas. It’s a new reality and…
Top 10 Enterprise in Fire Protection Solutions Provider in 2022
WATERAX: Setting new benchmarks in wildland firefighting WATERAX was selected as one of the top Enterprise Fire Protection Solutions Provider in 2022 by Enterprise Security Magazine. Read Gabriella’s interview where she discussed the impacts of climate change on the ravages of wildfires as well as our vision for the…
Job Opening - WATERAX Product Specialist – USA
With your experience in wildland firefighting, join WATERAX and help us deliver the new MARK-3® Watson Edition across the USA. We’ll need your specific expertise to guide our channel partners (dealers) in basic pump operations, offer manufacturer’s recommendations, troubleshooting techniques and product training. This position is responsible for…
WATERAX annonce la vente de sa gamme de produits secondaires RANCHERᴹᴰ
Montréal (Québec) – WATERAX Inc., chef de file de la fabrication de pompes à incendie portatives légères, a annoncé en janvier dernier la signature d’un accord de vente définitif de sa gamme d’unités mobiles légères RANCHERMD à Flash Fire & Safety (FFS), entreprise située à Sherwood Park, en Alberta.…
Exploring the Wildland Urban Interface
Wildland Urban Interface Conference March 22 - 24, 2022 Peppermill Resort, Reno, NV WATERAX’s wildland partners and dealers will be at this year’s Wildland Urban Interface Conference, March 22 to 24, in Reno, Nevada. The event is the premier gathering for firefighters and industry and community members to…
WATERAX at FDIC International
April 25-30, 2022 Indiana Convention Center & Lucas Oil Stadium Indianapolis, IN The WATERAX team will once again attend the FDIC International event this year. Join us at Booth #522 for this year’s event that brings together fire & rescue professionals from around the world for learning in workshops…
Éteindre le Feu Avant Même qu'il ne se Déclare
Chez WATERAX, notre mission consiste à concevoir des solutions pour transporter l'eau qui éteindra les feux de forêt, en utilisant les pompes les plus puissantes, fiables et légères qui soient. Au cours de la Semaine de la prévention des incendies, qui se déroule cette année du 3 au 9 octobre,…
WATERAX Announces Sale Of Its Non-core RANCHER® Series Product Line
Montreal, Quebec -- WATERAX Inc., a leading manufacturer of lightweight portable fire pumps, announced earlier in January, that it has signed a definitive agreement to sell its RANCHER® lightweight skid unit product line to Flash Fire & Safety (FFS), located in Sherwood Park, Alberta. The transaction with FFS ensures that…
Veiller sur la Forêt sur tous les Fronts !
Chez WATERAX, nous apportons notre soutien aux hommes et femmes courageux qui se trouvent en première ligne de la lutte contre les incendies de forêt en leur fournissant certains des meilleurs équipements de lutte contre les incendies au monde. Mais comme beaucoup de Canadiens, nous voulons témoigner de notre reconnaissance…
Put Out The Fire Before It Starts
At WATERAX, our business is moving the water that puts out wildfires, using some of the most powerful, reliable and lightweight pumps around. During Fire Prevention Week, which this year runs October 3 to 9, we join all firefighters - wildland, urban and rural - in helping raise awareness of…
Taking Care of the Forest on all Fronts!
At WATERAX, we support the courageous men and women on the front lines of wildland firefighting with some of the very best firefighting equipment in the world. But like many Canadians, we want to show our gratitude and ongoing commitment to our forests long before there’s a wildfire. One…
We Were There
They are always there for us, 24/7, but we only think about them when we need them. We admit that it is very easy to take our public safety services -- the brave men and women who staff our police and fire departments, our first responders, our wildland firefighters…
Demob Hose Lays Faster – How-to Melon Roll
Our firefighting friends in British Columbia swear by the melon roll method when they need to demobilize hose in the field. The big benefit over end or centre rolling is of course speed, as WATERAX Product specialist Alex demonstrates in our how-to video. Two melon rolls can be connected together…
Protecting Land And Sea Through Environmental Responsibility
Gabriella Gerbasi is a Sounding Board Member for PIVOT, a joint project of the McGill Sustainability Systems Initiative (MSSI) and the National Film Board of Canada. The project’s goal is to amplifying leadership on climate change among SMEs. Marketing Director at WATERAX, Gabriella talks about her passion for the…
"Listen To Life With Fire" Podcast By Amanda Monthei
When Amanda Monthei was growing up, she actually thought about becoming an archeologist. She always knew she wanted to write, but becoming a wildland firefighter? That was not on her radar until much later. “I had some girlfriends who’d been doing it and I was like, hey, that looks…
Supporting What We Believe In
This is WATERAX’s third year sponsoring the Wildland Fire Digital Storytelling Micro-Grant, part of the Smokey Generation Wildland Fire Oral History Project. The grants are awarded to deserving writers and creative people, many with frontline experience in wildland firefighting, all passionate about the wildlands, to help them tell stories…
Everyone’s a Firefighter During National Wildfire Awareness Month! - May is National Wildfire Awareness Month in the U.S. May 1 is Wildfire Community Preparedness Day in Canada
Where people and forests come together, wildfires are an issue. Wildland fire can threaten public safety and damage or destroy homes and other property. In extreme cases, community evacuation is sometimes required. We’ve seen more and more wildfires in recent years, which many experts attribute to the changing weather…
Nous étions là.
Ils sont toujours là pour nous, 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, mais nous ne pensons à eux que lorsque nous en avons besoin. Nous admettons qu'il est très facile de tenir pour acquis nos services de sécurité publique c’est-à-dire les hommes et les femmes courageux qui…
WATERAX & Bowvember: Fighting With Style Against Prostate Cancer
WATERAX is proud to participate in Bowvember and to support PROCURE in the fight against prostate cancer. This is a 100% Québec initiative that focuses on a very specific cause: prostate cancer. PROCURE is a charitable organization in the fight against prostate cancer. It educates, supports, and informs people affected…
Dérouler un Boyau Rapidement – La Technique « Melon Roll »
Nos amis pompiers de Colombie-Britannique ne jurent que par la méthode du « Melon Roll » lorsqu'ils doivent dérouler un boyau sur le terrain. Le grand avantage par rapport à l'enroulement en bout ou au centre est bien sûr la vitesse, comme le montre Alex, spécialiste des produits WATERAX, dans notre vidéo.…
Presenting MARK-3® Pump Troubleshooting
THE FIRE PUMP IS AT THE CORE OR EVERY WATER-HANDLING SYSTEM. So being on pump duty can be a stressful responsibility. With the team counting on you to move water, it’s important to keep your cool and know what to do in unexpected situations. Join us on September 30,…
WATERAX anuncia la venta de su línea de productos no estratégicos de la serie RANCHER®
Montreal, Quebec -- WATERAX Inc, una fabricante líder de bombas portátiles y livianas para el combate de incendios, anunció en enero pasado que ha celebrado un acuerdo definitivo para vender su línea de dispositivos antideslizantes ligeras RANCHER® a Flash Fire & Safety (FFS), una compañía ubicada en Sherwood Park, Alberta.…
Mattia Tassinari in Conversation With Export Development Canada
Mattia Tassinari, Export Sales Manager at WATERAX Inc., in conversation with Export Development Canada - EDC on doing business with Colombia. READ ARTICLE…
Protéger terres et mers à l’aide de l’écoresponsabilité
Gabriella Gerbasi est membre consultante du conseil d'administration de PIVOT, un projet conjoint de la McGill Sustainability Systems Initiative (MSSI) et de l'Office national du film du Canada. L'objectif du projet est d’assurer la croissance du leadership en matière de changement climatique parmi les PME. Directrice marketing chez WATERAX,…
Prescribed and Controlled Burns Often Kick Off by Drip Torch Use
Controlled burns, prescribed burns, and backfires are all similar terms for a wildland fire that is intentionally lit to create a natural firebreak in front of a main fire front, to reduce fuel buildup and decrease the potential for a hotter and more serious wildland fire, or to renew forest…
Fighting Fires to Gain Ground in New Market
Canada’s WATERAX is putting out fires and seeking new opportunities in Europe. With forest fires on the rise, and the year‑old Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union eliminating 98% of tariffs, the company turned to the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) for…
Soutenir nos Convictions
C'est la troisième année que WATERAX commandite le programme de micro-bourses « Wildland Fire Digital Storytelling », qui fait partie du projet « Smokey Generation Wildland Fire Oral History ». Les bourses sont accordées à des auteurs et à des créatifs de talent, dont beaucoup ont une expérience de première ligne dans la lutte…
A Better Way to Think About Wildland Fires
This video by the U.S Forest Service explores what makes fire in the West unique, and demonstrates the importance and benefits of healthy fire to forest ecosystems.…
« Listen to Life with Fire » par Amanda Monthei
Lorsqu’elle était jeune, Amanda Monthei a longtemps pensé qu’elle deviendrait archéologue. Elle a toujours su qu’elle voulait écrire, mais combattre les feux de forêt comme pompière? Elle ne l’a envisagé que bien plus tard. « J’avais des amies qui l’avaient fait et je me suis…
Meet the Frontlines: The Men & Women Who Fight Forest Fires
Some local videographers have shed a light on the men and women who fight forest fires and keep our communities safe. The video gives a portrait of the different kinds of people who are currently on the frontlines trying to contain some of B.C.’s wildfires. Watch video…
Nous sommes tous des pompiers forestiers durant le Mois National de la Sensibilisation aux Incendies de Forêt!
Mai est le Mois National de la Sensibilisation aux Incendies de Forêt aux États-Unis.Le 1er mai est la Journée de Préparation Communautaire aux Incendies de Forêt au Canada. Là où les gens et les forêts se rassemblent, les incendies de forêt posent un problème. En effet, les feux de…
5 Graphs Show Just How Unusual This Year’s Wildfires Are
This time of year always brings wildfires. But what’s unusual this fires season is where and how the blazes are burning—and it could be a warning sign of what’s to come. Hotter-than-normal temperatures and drought across much of northern Europe and North America in June and July…
WATERAX & Noeudvembre : lutter avec style contre le cancer de la prostate
WATERAX est fière de participer à Noeudvembre et d’appuyer PROCURE dans sa lutte contre le cancer de la prostate. Cette initiative, 100 % québécoise, cible une cause bien précise : le cancer de la prostate. PROCURE est un organisme de bienfaisance qui participe à la lutte contre le cancer de la…
NEW MARK-3® Videos Available Online
MARK-3® Pump Operations1- PUMP SITE AND SETUPGeneral guidelines on locating and preparing a suitable pumping site for the MARK-3® fire pump. 2- FUEL SET UPInformation on the MARK-3® fire pump fuel mixture, connections and priming. 3- HOSE CONNECTION AND PRIMINGDemonstration of water hose connection and common priming techniques for the…
WATERAX et l’Apiculture Urbaine
Conformément à nos objectifs de développement durable et à notre volonté de réduire notre empreinte environnementale et de jouer un rôle important dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques tout en poursuivant notre croissance à long terme, WATERAX a décidé de s’associer à Alvéole dans le cadre d’un…
Forest Fire Recovery Project in British Columbia - WATERAX with One Tree Planted
WATERAX IN SUPPORT OF ONE TREE PLANTEDSince July 2017, WATERAX is proud to support One Tree Planted, a 501c3 non-profit charity focused on global reforestation. At WATERAX, we are dedicated to doing our part to rejuvenate environments devastated by wildfires—and what better way than planting trees? Each new tree…
Introducing the All-New Polaris® Fire-Fighting and Rescue Vehicles | Featuring a VERSAX® Multipurpose Pump
Polaris® Government & Defense is dedicated to fire-fighting and rescue professionals. These highly mobile RANGER® vehicles allow for organizations to improve response time and reach without compromising mission effectiveness when paired with professionally designed and installed equipment like fire-fighting kits, emergency lighting kits, public address systems, sirens, rescue kits, custom…
Ask For The Real McCoy: Trust The MARK-3® To Move Water
WHEN YOU'RE HERE, THERE'S NO ROOM FOR COMPROMISE. YOU CAN TRUST THE MARK-3® TO MOVE WATER Trusted in the wildland firefighting community for generations. When fires occur in remote locations such as wildland forests and mountainous regions, you need a lightweight, robust and compact portable pump, which will allow you…
WATERAX and Urban Beekeeping
In line with our sustainable development objectives and our desire to reduce our environmental footprint and play a positive role in the fight against climate change while pursuing our long-term growth, WATERAX will launch an urban beekeeping project in early October in collaboration with Alvéole. The mission of urban beekeeper…
Ready, Set, Go! It’s Wildfire Awareness Month
Spring has sprung and that means it’s time for you to prepare for summer. Along with warm, sunny days comes the increased risk of drought, dangerous conditions in forests, and inevitably, wildfires. We’ve put together some tips to help our communities, families and fire agencies prepare for the…
This Is Our Way Of Giving Back To Nature… #WeMoveWater World Water Day Is About Focusing Our Attention On The Importance Of Water.
Environmental damage, together with climate change, is driving the water-related crises we see around the world. Nature-based solutions have the potential to solve many of our water challenges. Planting trees to replenish forests, reconnecting rivers to floodplains, and restoring wetlands, is a sustainable and cost-effective way to help rebalance the…
WATERAX Tree Planting Initiative
Considering all the wildfires that ravaged landscapes in the past few months, it is necessary to think about restoration of the lands. Planting trees after wildfires is critical to mitigate further damage and establish a new forest for future generations. In partnership with various organizations in Canada and the United…
Moving Water To Wildland Fires
The work of wildland firefighters benefits us all, yet most people know very little about who they are, what they do and the tools of their trade. Our mission is to place powerful, precision engineered pumps into the hands of the dedicated men and women who protect our forests and…
Ask For The Real McCoy: The MARK-3®
WHEN YOU'RE HERE, THERE'S NO ROOM FOR COMPROMISE. YOU CAN TRUST THE MARK-3® TO MOVE WATER Trusted in the wildland firefighting community for generations. When fires occur in remote locations such as wildland forests and mountainous regions, you need a lightweight, robust and compact portable pump, which will allow you…
Join The WATERAX Community For Pump Mechanics
By creating your account on the WATERAX Technology Center you will have access to step-by-step mechanic guidebooks with their associated list of Spare Parts & Tools and detailed how-to videos. You will be provided with the latest maintenance and service procedures on WATERAX products to promote best practices and facilitate…
Be Ready for Battle
Extreme weather conditions. Difficult terrain. Low visibility. Fighting fires can be an extremely unpredictable and dangerous task. One thing is certain in this profession. The stakes are high, and the price of mistakes -- in lives and property -- can be enormous. You cannot afford the cost of faulty equipment.…
WELCOME To The WATERAX Genuine Parts Store - Activate Your Account
This registration page is for existing WATERAX customers to register and obtain a password for our online Genuine Parts Store. Please note that your account will be assigned to one (1) email address. By registering you will be able to place orders online, have access to…
The NEW WATERAX Genuine Parts Store
The WATERAX Genuine Parts Store is designed to adapt to any screen size. Whether you’re browsing on your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop — the content will always be clear and easy to read. You can effortlessly find the product that you require without having to call…
The Importance of Agility: Applying a History Lesson to Firefighting
The famous three hundred Spartans get all the credit for saving classical Greece from Persian conquest, but the real saviors of Greece were the sailors who bested a far larger Persian fleet at the Battle of Salamis. They did so thanks largely to their lighter, more maneuverable ships. What does…
WATERAX Pumps for Wildland Fire Apparatus
Fire agencies need versatile, rugged and portable equipment for wildland and wildland-urban interface (WUI) applications, to transport firefighters, hoses, pumps, fittings, water and other equipment. Due to the often remote nature of wildland fires, getting to the scene generally requires four-wheel drive and off-road capabilities. For vehicles used in wildland…
Gagner un nouveau marché tout en luttant contre les incendies
L’entreprise canadienne WATERAX éteint des feux et cherche de nouveaux débouchés en Europe. L’augmentation des feux de forêt ainsi que l’Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) conclu entre le Canada et l’UE il y a un an, qui élimine 98 % des tarifs, ont incité l’entreprise…
Rollover & WATERAX Pump Testing With Calaveras Consolidated
The Calaveras Consolidated chief believes that testing and training should always be executed as if it were the real deal. This test is the deployment of portable water pump, the firefighters will be testing it as they set up to draft water from the Calaveras river. They set up the…
WATERAX: Innovation Driven By Team Work
Running a century-old company doesn’t mean you have to hold on to outdated business practices. WATERAX, a Montreal-based water-pump manufacturer is proof of this. Its decision-makers innovated by adopting the Lean method to help the company stand out from the competition. Back to its roots When Raffaele Gerbasi, Marcello…
Preparing Your Home For Wildfire Season
We would like to believe the Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, wildland fire that started on May 2, 2016, was a unique, catastrophic event. Approximately 2,400 houses and buildings were destroyed when fire crossed containment boundaries. However, fire science experts believe wildland urban interface (WUI) property owners in both Canada…
La Mission WATERAX
Le travail des pompiers forestiers profite à nous tous, pourtant la plupart d’entre nous en savons très peu à leur sujet; qui sont-ils, que font-ils ainsi que les outils de leur métier. Notre mission est de fournir de puissantes pompes à incendies conçues avec précision dans les mains des…
Saving Lives: Fire Pumps in Wildland Firefighting
The humble water pump is considered by some to be the greatest invention for fire suppression, saving lives and sparing property from fire devastation. If speed and water are the two components in stopping fires, then portable water pumps were a necessity. Water pumps on wheels, often pulled by men,…
The Renowned BB-4 Now Available in Diesel!
WATERAX fire pumps are trusted by wildland firefighters around the world. We have a long and exciting history that dates back to 1898. Our fire pumps meet NFPA 1906 standards and are specified for wildland Type 4, 5, 6, and 7 fire engines and are used as auxiliary pumps for…
Watch Our Chief Engineer Talk About The BB-4 Diesel Pump At FDIC
Watch our Chief Engineer, Jeff Sadler, talk about the BB-4 Diesel pump at FDIC. The renowned BB-4® by WATERAX is now available in Diesel and has been officially listed on the USFS Type 6 Fire Apparatus specifications! Compatible with Type 4, Type 5 and Type 6 brush trucks, it is…
Q&A: WATERAX VP on 100 Years Of Wildland Product Inventions And What’s Next
Learn about the WATERAX tradition of inventing innovative wildland firefighting pumps and how it made a teenager fall in love with firefighting and the company – all the way to the vice president’s office. Why is a Canadian company in a unique position to serve the global wildland fire market?…
WATERAX - Trusted by Wildland Firefighters Around the World
Trusted by wildland firefighters around the world, WATERAX sets the industry standard by developing innovative, portable fire pumps and water-handling equipment designed to withstand demanding applications and rugged environments. With a time-tested legacy of reliability, WATERAX carries on its mission to place powerful, precision engineered pumps into the hands of…
WATERAX Pumps: Trusted by Wildland Firefighters Around the World
WATERAX fire pumps are trusted by wildland firefighters around the world. We have a long and exciting history that dates back to 1898 when John Colquhoun Watson Jack founded the Watson Jack & Co company. WATERAX sets the industry standard by developing innovative, high pressure and mid-range fire pumps designed…
WATERAX: l’innovation, un travail d’équipe
Ce n’est pas parce qu’on dirige une entreprise centenaire qu’on doit s’en tenir aux méthodes d’autrefois. Le fabricant de pompes à eau montréalais WATERAX en est la preuve. Ses décideurs ont innové en adoptant la méthode lean pour mener l’entreprise à se démarquer. Revenir…
Calaveras Consolidated Fire - Testing the VERSAX Fire Pump
From the foothill of the Sierra Mountains in Central California, the Calaveras Consolidated Fire Protection District. They protect life, property and the environment. Wildland Forest Fires, Vehicle Accidents, EMS, Air Ambulance Evacuations and Residential Fires Webisode 1: Meet the membersThe Calaveras Consolidated Fire Protection District (Cal-Co Fire) was formed on…
WATERAX - La pompe de choix pour les pompiers forestiers à travers le monde
Préférée par les pompiers forestiers à travers le monde, WATERAX est devenu la norme dans l’industrie en développant des pompes à incendies portatives innovantes ainsi que de l’équipement pour la manutention d’eau parfaitement adapté aux rigueurs de l’environnement dans lesquels ils sont utilisés. Avec un héritage…
The New RANCHER Lightweight Skid Unit
WATERAX is happy to announce its newest collaboration with Hannay Reels. The improved RANCHER® with a Hannay hose reel! The RANCHER® is a compact and lightweight unit designed for use on ATVs and small utility vehicles, available with a 65 or 125 gallon tank. Commonly used in wildland urban interface…